ABC Ontario Chapters

Local ABC chapters:

Provide families with bright children the opportunity to offer one another support and advice

Encourage parents, teachers and other adults to share their experiences and concerns and to pool their resources

Local ABC chapters may also:

Arrange for speakers

Distribute provincial and chapter news bulletins

Stay up to date on local school board issues

Plan family activities


Interested in getting involved with your local chapter? Find your region on the 'Chapters' menu list.

Interested in something happening at another chapter? All ABC members are always welcome at events organized by any of the chapters.

No active chapter in your area? If you are interested in starting one contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There may already be other interested parents in your area looking to connect. The message board can be a great way to start the ball rolling.

Established in 1975, the Association for Bright Children of Ontario (ABC) is a volunteer based, provincially incorporated support and advocacy group, with many chapters across Ontario. It is dedicated to providing information and support to parents of bright and gifted children and adolescents through newsletters, networking, an annual conference and local workshops. It offers the parents' voice to local school boards, educators, professional groups and the Ontario Ministry of Education.