Glossary T-Z Words


Team Meeting – see School meeting. 

Tracking Meeting – A meeting to monitor the progress of a student in the program provided. Parents and students do not normally attend these meetings.

Transition Plan – the planned change for a student between school divisions, between entry to and leaving schooling, or from a special education placement to the regular classroom. Includes: preschool to elementary, elementary to secondary, secondary to the workplace or to post secondary education. Every Ontario special education student, except those identified solely as gifted, must have a transition plan at age 14 outlining the resources that will assist the student in preparing for post secondary work, further study, or life in the community. ABC recommends Transition plans for gifted students also. See appendix _ of Developing IEP’s for Gifted Students for further info. See also "Transition Planning: A Resource Guide, 2002" 

Twice Exceptional (2E) - Describes a student who meets the criteria for two exceptionalities, for example gifted and learning disabled.

Withdrawal Assistance - specialized instruction provided by a special education teacher outside the regular classroom, for less than 50% of the day.

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) - An educational concept that refers to the difference between what a child can do with help and what he or she can do without guidance. Vygotsky (1978). Research shows that students need teaching strategies and differentiated programming that match their "zone of proximal development" in order to achieve their full learning potential. This means that the material being taught and the way it is being taught must be challenging enough to engage the student, but not so difficult that it discourages them. The Ministry of Education outlines this educational strategy in "Education For All" and promotes using ZPD to ensure that instruction starts where the child has something new to learn.